#Organic #Heirloom #Pomegranate #seeds #Punica #Granatum #Shrub #Small #Fruit #Tree Organic Heirloom 30 Pomegranate seeds Punica Granatum Shrub Small Fruit Tree Red Omi F85

Brand : seedarea
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Product Group : Lawn & Patio
Product Type Name : SEEDS_AND_PLANTS
Manufacturer :
Feature :
- Description Pomegranates are used in cooking, baking, juices, smoothies and alcoholic beverages, such as martinis and wine. Pomegranate trees, which are drought-tolerant, can grow in the sunniest and warmest part of the yard. It's one of the easiest plants to grow from seed. It's a tropical and subtropical plant but can tolerate temperatures down to 10 F. It's best to start the plant indoors in small pots and then transplant outdoors. The pomegranate tree, with its glossy, dark green leaves, makes a wonderful addition to your lawn. The beautiful red-orange trumpet shaped blossom attracts hummingbirds and is a popular choice for bonsai.
- Height: 12-18 in. (30-45 cm), 18-24 in. (45-60 cm) Spacing: 18-24 in. (45-60 cm) Sun Exposure: Full Sun, Sun to Partial Shade Bloom Color: Orange Bloom Time: Mid Spring, Late Spring/Early Summer, Mid Summer, Late Summer/Early Fall Other details: Suitable for growing in containers
- Fruit Color: Red
- Category: Edible Fruits and Nuts
- Quantity: 30 Bulk Seeds

Organic Heirloom 30 Pomegranate seeds Punica Granatum Shrub Small Fruit Tree Red Omi F85. How to Grow?
1. Prepare a 6-inch pot for the seeds by filling it with sterile potting medium. Purchase potting medium at a plant center. If the pot is old, wash before using.
2. Place four to six seeds about 1 inch apart on top of the potting soil. Cover the seeds with soil. Seeds should be just under the potting medium. Water the pomegranate seeds.
3. Cover the pot with a plastic zip-lock bag to create a hothouse effect. Keep the soil moist. It's important not to let the seeds dry out. Put the pot in a warm sunny spot. The pomegranate seeds will germinate in two to six weeks.
4. Transfer the seedling to a separate larger 12-inch pot when the seedling has four permanent leaves. Put the seedling in a sunny spot and keep the soil moist, but not dripping wet.
5. Place pot outside for two hours to harden. Each day increase the amount of time the plant is outside. Plant the pomegranate tree outside after it has hardened. #Organic #Heirloom #Pomegranate #seeds #Punica #Granatum #Shrub #Small #Fruit #Tree