Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2") and Booklet,

August 21, 2017
Macaco #Slackline #Complete #Metre #(52'x #2") #Booklet, #Super #Strong #Ratchet #Grip, #Protectors #Cotton
Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2") and Booklet, Super Strong Ratchet With Grip, Tree Protectors and Cotton Bag. Very Easy To Set Up.
Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2

  • 5218 in Sports & Outdoors
  • Brand: Macaco


  • This complete set features all the essential kit for your slacklining needs, this package includes - 1 x 16m (52′-5″) of "Slack" specific webbing, Width: 50mm (2″), 1 x Sturdy and compact ratchet with ergonomic contoured grip and loop 2m (6′-5″), 1 x Pair of Tree/Bark Protectors, 1 x Cotton Drawstring bag & 1 x Firetoys® 'How to Slackline' booklet.
  • This is the latest version of the Macaco line featuring many new additions such as the tree protectors but still designed and safety tested in the UK guaranteeing a superior quality, safe product. The whole package is incredibly easy to set up, take down and comes with a clear instruction card with detailed images to avoid any confusion. This is why it has been the leading line in Europe for years.
  • The Macaco kit is a fantastic line for all levels of experience and has a breaking load of 3 metric tonnes, ensuring it performs perfectly for any trick you can throw at it. As well as being great for more experienced slackliners, the affordable price and grippy, durable pattern make the Macaco one of the most suitable and popular lines for beginners.
  • Along with being strong the Macaco slackline is amongst the lightest lines available, making it perfect for camping, beach visits and even the local park as it folds away easily in the cotton drawstring bag included, bring your 'How to Slackline' booklet with you for a great selection of tricks to get started with.
  • The Macaco slack line kit contains: 1 x 16m of "Slack" specific webbing, Width: 50mm 1 x Sturdy compact ratchet and loop - 2 metre 1 x Firetoys® 'How to Slackline' booklet 1 x Pair of tree protectors 1 x Cotton drawstring bag

Tags : Macaco, Slackline, Complete, Metre, (52'x, 2"), Booklet,, Super, Strong, Ratchet, Grip,, Protectors, Cotton

Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2") and Booklet, Super Strong Ratchet With Grip, Tree Protectors and Cotton Bag. Very Easy To Set Up.

Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2
This complete set features all the essential kit for your slacklining needs, this package includes - 1 x 16m (52′-5″) of "Slack" specific webbing, Width: 50mm (2″), 1 x Sturdy and compact ratchet with ergonomic contoured grip and loop 2m (6′-5″), 1 x Pair of Tree/Bark Protectors, 1 x Cotton Drawstring bag & 1 x Firetoys® 'How to Slackline' booklet. This is the latest version of the Macaco line featuring many new additions such as the tree protectors but still designed and safety tested in the UK guaranteeing a superior quality, safe product. The whole package is incredibly easy to set up, take down and comes with a clear instruction card with detailed images to avoid any confusion. This is why it has been the leading line in Europe for years. The Macaco kit is a fantastic line for all levels of experience and has a breaking load of 3 metric tonnes, ensuring it performs perfectly for any trick you can throw at it. As well as being great for more experienced slackliners, the affordable price and grippy, durable pattern make the Macaco one of the most suitable and popular lines for beginners. Along with being strong the Macaco slackline is amongst the lightest lines available, making it perfect for camping, beach visits and even the local park as it folds away easily in the cotton drawstring bag included, bring your 'How to Slackline' booklet with you for a great selection of tricks to get started with. The Macaco slack line kit contains: 1 x 16m of "Slack" specific webbing, Width: 50mm 1 x Sturdy compact ratchet and loop - 2 metre 1 x Firetoys® 'How to Slackline' booklet 1 x Pair of tree protectors 1 x Cotton drawstring bag
Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2
macaco slackline, macaco slackline 52'x 2 16 metre and booklet, macaco slackline kit,

Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2") and Booklet, Super Strong Ratchet With Grip, Tree Protectors and Cotton Bag. Very Easy To Set Up. Reviews

Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2
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Macaco Slackline Complete Set 16 Metre (52'x 2") and Booklet, Super Strong Ratchet With Grip, Tree Protectors and Cotton Bag. Very Easy To Set Up. Cheap Price

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